Special Issues The high-quality accepted papers, with a significant extension, will be further selected and recommended to the following journals: Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI) TAI is an open-access journal. Article Processing Charges (APCs) are waived before July 2026. Expert Systems Indexed by SCIE(IF:3.3)Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Journal ISSN: 0266-4720E-ISSN: 1468-0394 International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering Indexed by EI, ESCI(IF:1.4)Publisher: Inderscience PublishersJournal ISSN: 1742-7185E-ISSN: 1742-7193 International Journal of Embedded Systems Indexed by EI, ESCI(IF:0.5)Publisher: Inderscience PublishersJournal ISSN: 1741-1068E-ISSN: 1741-1076 Sensor-Based Computational Intelligence and Security Technologies, and Their Applications Indexed by SCIE(IF:3.4) Publisher: MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) Journal ISSN: 1424-8220 E-ISSN: 1424-3210 We shall further announce additional journals to publish a special issue for CIS’2024 in the near future.